From the Principal Team

Natalie Shanahan, Sam Fleming, Claire Johnston

...and that's a wrap for Term 1! 


This term we have been super busy. The Year 3 and 5 students have been busy with NAPLAN over the last two weeks. Congratulations to all the students that participated and for the teachers efforts in maintaining a calm, orderly, 'business as usual' environment. 


Thank you one and all for your interest, involvement, and participation. While it's been a shorter than normal term, there has been so much to celebrate this term and, besides thinking about 'What Went Well' is actually good for us! 


We've heard the sayings “be grateful for what you have” or “count your blessings?” Maybe your parents or grandparents reminded you to pay attention to the good things in life, frequently say thank you and appreciate what you have. Psychology experts, such as Dr Martin Seligman, teach us that science has now caught up with these age old adages.


Research shows that practicing 'What Went Well' can have profound impacts on individuals and groups. It turns out that the advice to focus on the good things each day has many benefits ranging from physical health to mental wellbeing.


People who practice gratitude:

  • Are happier, healthier, and live longer
  • Are more optimistic and hopeful
  • Fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer
  • Exercise more frequently and have better cardiovascular health
  • Have stronger relationships and increased social support
  • Find greater meaning in their work
  • Perform better and achieve at higher levels
  • Are less depressed and anxious

So, with this is mind, here's what went well this term:


We also had the pleasure of meeting with the Year 6 captains on Wednesday for morning tea. We were blown away with their communication and vision for Banyule. They had a multitude of ideas that we hope to see come to light throughout the year. 


Building Project Progress: 

It's been a busy few weeks on the building site. 95% of the internal framing has been installed, helping us to begin to see the learning spaces take shape. On the outside, the lower level brickwork is also nearing completion, giving a real feel for what the finished product will look like from the yard. Check out the before and after below, comparing the end of the first week of term to the last. Please note though: the addition of the clouds is only temporary!


February 8, 2024
March 27, 2024
February 8, 2024
March 27, 2024


Fond Farewells:

Finally, we are saying goodbye to two of our much loved staff members at the end of term. Rebecca Jowett  (First Aid) and Christie Buswell (Education Support) will be moving on from BPS to explore other adventures. We wish them both the very best for the future!


Wishing you all a safe and happy term break,

Natalie, Sam and Claire