What's on in the Community Hub?

'St. Anthony’s Community Hub provides access to services that help families support their children.'

What’s happening in the Hub?


Playgroup has been very busy with lots of families attending on both Wednesday and Thursday.  If you have a pre-school child feel free to contact Debbie or Lisa if you are interested in coming along.  The sessions are free.  You only need to bring a piece of fruit to share. 


Breakfast Club continues to be very busy with around 60 students attending each day.  Chobani are still kindly contributing to our breakfast club by donating yoghurt and fruit for the classrooms each week.


We are also very grateful for the generous donations of food from both Eat Up and The One Box.


Community members Claire and Neville who provide us with food donations from Aldi are on a much needed break so Debbie and Susan have kindly volunteered to pick up the donations over the next five weeks. 

English and Computer Classes for Adults are available for families.  If you are interested please contact Debbie or Lisa.