Principal's Address

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to our week 6 newsletter. Week 6 sees our students delving deep into their units of work in preparations for assessment. At this time of the year, it is very important that students attend every day, so they don't miss vital lessons which are hard to catch up on.
This week we have our first swimming lesson and our art lessons with Miss Carolyn continue. Over the next few weeks our teachers will have some time off class to prepare for the updated version 9 of the Australian Curriculum in 2025. Jo, Lori-Ann and I are busy writing units to align to the updated English and Maths curriculum. These planning days will mostly occur on a Monday.
In the newsletter this week we have some important information and notes going home. Please make sure the following permission forms are returned as soon as possible.
- Student Resource Scheme information and payment form
- Under/Over 8's day permission form
- End of Year rewards trip to Toowoomba permission form
- Interhouse swimming carnival nomination form.
Kindy Transition Mornings
Anyone with a child attending Kindy in 2025 are invited to attend Friday morning play with the current Prep and Kindy children. This is a great opportunity to get used to the school environment and enjoy the wonderful Tuckshop provided by our parents. You are welcome to attend any time from 9.00-11.00am. Bring your hat, water bottle and a fruit snack. We look forward to seeing you there.
Have a fabulous week everyone.
Until next time,