Brooke's Message

Dear Families,
As we enter the final term of the school year, we are excited to share some important updates and upcoming events. We hope you and your families have had some time to relax and spend time together over the holidays.
Bunji - The Wellbeing Dog
Bunji returned to his program at school in week 2, trotting around and very happy to see all of the students and staff. Unfortunately, he has spent the last part of the week at the vet. He had a very big thistle in his foot and required sedation to have it removed. He is resting at home, and we will keep you all updated with his return. It is a reminder for all of us to check our dogs’ feet thoroughly and regularly!
World Teachers Day
This week we will be celebrating World Teachers Day on Friday 25th October. It is a chance to recognise and celebrate the teachers working with our students, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all our teachers for their hard work and commitment to our school community. We could not do it without you, Hats off to you!
2025 Planning
Leadership is excited to announce that planning for 2025 classes is underway. We will be meeting with students to discuss their peer preferences which will be recorded in a survey with the support of their classroom teams. We take this into consideration when designing our 2025 class list. Unfortunately, we do not take requests for teaching staff for the following year as we are often not able to accommodate requests.
Christmas Card Competition
Get into the festive spirit with our annual Christmas card competition! It is the time of year, where we give our students the opportunity to become a published artist. Students can create their own unique designs in whatever format they choose. The winning card will be featured on our school's Christmas card. There will be a winner per section. Closing date will be November 8th, 2024
Term 4 is SunSmart
As the summer approaches, it's important to stay sun smart. Please ensure your child comes to school with a hat and sunscreen. We encourage you to apply sunscreen at home before sending your child to school. If you need help purchasing a sunhat, we can organise this through State School Relief.
Mobile Phone Ban
To promote a focused learning environment, we remind you of the Department of Education mobile phone ban. Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones to school, if they do bring phones to school, the phones need to be locked away each morning. If students require extra support to do this, we will call home for support.
Curriculum and ILP Reports
Student reports for Semester 2 will be available on Compass at the end of the term. the Teachers are working on these as I write this newsletter and are very keen to share the experiences and progress of your children. They will use the time on our Professional Practice Day on Monday 4th November which is a pupil free day.
I have been really excited to see some of the planning involved in this term’s extracurricular activities. Excursions/Incursions and Camps are a great way to generalise the skills learnt in the classroom and have very positive results for sustained learning.
Gate 4
You will have noticed an increased presence of leaders on duty in the morning to ensure we are providing a safe and orderly learning environment. Just another polite reminder, please do not park in Gate 4 carpark to drop off your child unless you have made a special plan with your Sub School Leader. Also, if there is a line outside Gate 1, please do not double park. Please do a loop.
Wishing you all a great Term 4,