Physical Education

What a fabulous day we had at the District School’s Kickball day today! Our Grade F-2 students enjoyed playing kickball with students from other schools within our district whilst demonstrating their amazing skills, great participation, resilience and team work. Well done Grade F-2!
As the weather is heating up, please ensure your child/ren comes to school on Tuesdays (as well as other days!) with sunscreen applied and their hat as well as water bottle.
During PE classes at the moment we are further developing our athletic skills. Students are looking forward to our school sports day which is coming up on Friday 22nd November. Start training parents and teachers-this year you can participate too! Students come along to school on this day wearing their house coloured t-shirt along with sports shorts and runners ready for a day of fun, fitness and comradery! Students will participate in a range of athletic activities, rotating in groups, aswell as join in with age level sprints and long distance running, each with a goal of participation and personal achievement aswell as supporting and encouraging team mates! Families are very welcome to come along and watch as well as bring a picnic lunch. Activities will commence at 9am and run through until 1:45pm (second recess time). Students will be eating lunch at 1:30pm.
Very soon we will be engaging in our school swimming program! Please ensure you have completed the permission form via PAM to ensure your child can participate. This will take place at the Castlemaine Fitness Indoor Pool and will run for 5 days across two weeks - Week 7 (Monday 18th, Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th November) and Week 8 (Monday 25th & Tuesday 26th). The swimming timetable has been released via seesaw-you are most welcome to attend your child’s scheduled class session on any or all of these days. It’s amazing to witness the progress our students can make in their swimming skills over a short but intensive program. Looking forward to seeing this!
Clare Grainger
PE Teacher