Year 4/5/6

from 4/5/6
Hello and welcome to half way through term 4! We hope you all had an amazing long weekend and are feeling rejuvenated. We have a lot that we are looking forward to coming up in the next few weeks. Next week the 4/5/6’s head down the Great Ocean Road to Camp. We have been having a lot of conversations in class about what we are looking forward to and what we aren't (dishes duty!) We are excited for a few days away at the beach!
In our learning we have been writing persuasive letters and editorials. We have written letters to persuade our teacher why we should play sports daily. Last week we wrote editorials for the Castlemaine Mail. Make sure you look out for it. In maths this term we have been learning about Data and Graphing, and Chance and Probability.
We have taken every opportunity to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. Have a great weekend.