Year 3/4

I hope you all enjoyed having a long weekend earlier in the week!
In the Grade 3/4 classroom, we have been continuing to work on writing persuasive pieces of writing on topics such as "Should halloween be celebrated in Australia?" and "Should horse racing be allowed in sports?" which the students have come up with lots of compelling reasons for and against.
In maths we have been learning about measuring mass, capacity and volume and the different between these three tools for measuring objects.
In inquiry the students have been exploring the states and territories of Australia and been creating a research project on each state finding out facts and other relevant information on their computers.
In religion the students have been working on being a shining light to others by being a good example to others. There are some photos of the lanterns the students have made to also go along with our display on having a growth mindset and the power of yet ("I can't do this yet") - Photos TBC
Thank you for your ongoing support and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!