Year 2/3

Another productive and enjoyable fortnight in the Grade2/3 class!
Well done to all students on the wonderful sharing of our learning at our whole school assembly last Friday. Students prepared and presented beautifully!
This week for our Sustainability/Cooking session we enjoyed making healthy smoothies using frozen berries and banana as well as freshly harvested spinach from the school garden-healthy and delicious! Ask your child to try out the recipe with you at home!
In our Maths sessions we have been building upon our knowledge of capacity and mass. We have undertaken some fun challenges to help solidify our understandings. Last week we were asked to create a magic potion with a capacity of 600ml, which contained 6 ingredients however none could measure 100ml! This week we worked in teams to transport one litre of water from one container to another through the use of a sponge-we then had to measure the resulting volume of water, determining how much water was lost in the process. This was a fun challenge!
As part of our Well Being program, we have been learning about being help givers and help seekers as well as the importance of identity and equality. We will continue this latter focus over the next fortnight.
We are delving further into our Inquiry topic “What makes our home (where we live) unique?” We most recently explored the geology of Castlemaine, investigating local and nearby natural land formations. There are so many amazing places to discover in our area!
Students are continuing to enjoy our letter writing topic. This past fortnight we have been writing persuasive letters. The students have developed some convincing arguments to persuade their audience!
Students are continuing to practise their spelling words using a range of strategies and are enjoying both small group and independent reading time.
Enjoy the weekend!
Clare & Bella