
We’re on a mission to improve our food and drink environment!
Exciting news! As part of our Wellbeing program we are now part of the new Vic Kids Eat Well movement which will sit nicely beside our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen and Garden Program . This state-wide movement is focused on transforming the food and drink environments where kids spend their time including schools. All Victorian kids deserve access to healthy and delicious food in places where they learn and play.
We wanted to let you know all about the changes we plan to make. We already have a breakfast program every morning staffed by our amazing volunteers who deserve a shout out. We couldn’t run this without you and we really appreciate your commitment to setting our St Mary’s kids up for learning success by ensuring if they need breakfast (or a second breakfast) then they have free access to it. We are currently in discussion with our Parents and Friends Committee and have Dhelkaya Health and Vic Kids Eat Well supporting us to possibly increase our offerings and also make it even healthier.
We are also thinking about and seeking advice, input and support about things such as special lunch days, the fair, lunchbox ideas and fundraising to make it healthier. This will help us to model, educate and promote healthy eating and the impact it has on our overall health. This is a long term project and as with any habits or traditions, change will take time and needs a process to facilitate it. Being part of both of these programs at St Mary’s will help guide us through. Both programs have great resources, ideas and support.
Another aspect of both programs that I would like to support is our senior students cooking healthy dishes to serve to the whole school as special lunch days. They will work on the Maths associated with holding this type of event, evaluate the healthy choices and benefits, research the culture of the dishes origin and be responsible for preparing, cooking, serving and cleaning up. Can’t wait!
We will be promoting Vic Kids Eat Well through our website and via our social media platforms. You can also check out the poster at the front entrance we received from Vic Kids Eat Well headquarters to acknowledge our commitment to healthy eating.
Learn more about https://www.vickidseatwell.health.vic.gov.au/
If you would like to be involved or have some input into this, please come into school and let me know.
Have a great weekend and see you soon.
Mark O’Sullivan