Kings Worship Academy 2025

Dear College Families,


You may not be aware, but The King’s College hosts a special training program that enables our Year 11 and 12 students to get a Certificate IV in Music.


We run a wonderful program called KINGS WORSHIP ACADEMY so they can achieve this award. The great thing is – we are able to open out this course to parents and families who are involved in church life and want to learn more about worship or build their skills as singers and musicians.


As we enter our 12th year of equipping our city’s awesome worship ministers, King’s Worship Academy is proud to present a specialised program for developing musicians and singers, which now includes live crosses to some of the most experienced worship leaders and creative people on the planet! You’ll see in the attached E-flyer the topics we cover in our once-a-month WORSHIP MINISTRY TRAINING PROGRAM. It’s all about equipping musicians, singers and dedicated worship team members to fullfil God’s creative call for your life. We’re pulling together world-renowned ministries who understand church dynamics, team culture, musical excellence and most importantly - the heart of worship!


Our Monday night Worship Ministry Training Program is designed to enhance your skills and confidence and gain insights into the heart, art, smart, and part of worship. This is a very accessible and achievable once-a-month program. We are also adding in at no extra cost a once/month Worship Lab (Online mentoring session). The investment for your journey at KWA is usually $995 – but apply by 30 January 2025 and enjoy the special offer of $695 for the entire program.


Please feel free to forward the attached e-brochure (or grab some KWA Postcards from the front office) to those you feel are hungry and ready to step up in their music ministry. For more enquiries, please email , we’d love to assist you!


A Big SHOUT OUT to our dozens of Year 12 graduates who have gone through KWA and to the 300  x past adult graduates from the community. I’d like you to prayerfully consider signing up again in this totally revamped new program and potentially join our mentoring team.


Have a great lead-up to the Christmas season, and I look forward to worshipping with you and building the Kingdom together in 2025. God bless you!


Rev. Dr Michael Battersby

Director – Kings Worship Academy

KINGS WORSHIP ACADEMY | The King’s College 170 Bertram Rd, Wellard | 9411 4100 |