Take note

2025 term dates
The 2025 term dates are now available to view on the College website. Please access them by clicking on the link below.
You can also find the term dates in the Connect Parent Portal, along with our College calendar.
End-of-year examinations
The end-of-year exam season is finally here! We wish all students the very best of luck as they prepare for their exams over the coming weeks.
Exam time can be a stressful time for both students and families, but it is important to keep things in perspective. Take one day at a time, care for your body and mind, and remember, success in exams is not a measure of success in life.
We encourage students to reach out to their teachers and Learning Leaders if they need additional help preparing for end-of-year exams and assessment.
For resources, visit the Tasmanian Assessments, Standards and Certification website, where you can also access a copy of the 2024 Student Exam Guide.
Senior Art and Design Exhibition 2024
Join us for a celebration of artwork by SMC students from Years 7 to 12 at our Senior Art and Design Exhibition 2024!
Our students have been diligently working on their pieces all year, and this exhibition is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the incredible skills of our talented artists.
Parents, students and members of the College community are invited to attend the Opening Night of our Senior Art Exhibition. Refreshments will be provided in the Mary Morgan Wing entrance on Friday 15 November at 6.00 PM.
Take a stroll through the beautiful artworks on display, featuring a range of works from paintings, prints, photography, graphic design, ceramics and sculptures. Each piece represents the artists’ unique ideas, techniques and aesthetic styles.
Please RSVP to Megan Hunniford at mhunniford@smc.tas.edu.au.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Midford Uniform Shop | Closure and relocation notice
Please be reminded that the St Mary’s College Uniform Shop is in the process of relocating to its new premises in Sandy Bay, located on the corner of York and Regent Streets. The existing site at the College is now closed.
The new shop will be opening to the community on Monday 11 November at 8.00am.
Uniform items will be unavailable for purchase in the days prior to the shop opening.
We thank all families for their patience during this transition, and we look forward to you seeing and using the new space.
Opening Hours:
Throughout the school term, the new shop will be open from 8.00am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, and from 10.00am to 1.00pm on Saturday.
Please contact the College on (03) 6108 2560 should you have any enquiries.