Grade 3/4 News
Welcome back to Term 4!
This term we have a history focus, where the students will learn to sequence significant events in chronological order to create a recount of a person’s life.
This can be a person in their family or a family friend.
They will come home with questions to ask this person such as:
Who is in your family? Where have they come from? Where have they lived? How did you come to live in Wangaratta/surrounds?
Students will have done a similar interview in Grade 1/2 however, they are to interview a different person this year.
They will share this life story with their class.
This task is a great opportunity for the children to learn about the past, and see that somethings change and some stay the same.
In Term Four, the students are to wear their hats, please label these.
The children should also bring a water bottle each day.
Please make sure students are in the correct uniform, Sports uniforms are only to be worn on scheduled Sport and Physical Education days.
Please continue with home reading. It is very important for students to be reading at home every school night and to regularly read out loud to an adult, then discuss the reading to check their understanding.
We are looking forward to our excursion to the WPAC next week, Thursday 24th October, 9:45 - 11:15, to hear the internationally acclaimed and always entertaining Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.
A further incursion and excursion are planned for later in the term.
Stay tuned, there will be information on this in the next Newsletter.