Grade 1/2 News

Welcome back to Term 4! 

We hope that families have had a great two week break. We have enjoyed the enthusiasm the 1/2's have had for their learning as they settle back into the routine of school. 


In English this term we are making connections to History. Students will explore their families, make comparisons between the past and present and explore how the past can teach us about the future.


In Mathematics we have had a week of Addition and Subtraction revision and will be moving onto exploring objects and their Capacities. 


Our Religion focus links well to our History focus as we are exploring the Sacraments as Special Celebrations. Allowing students make links between things that they celebrate with their families and the celebrations of the church. 


A big congratulations to our award winners and 1/2 Dellicastelli for winning the Bernie Trophy. Thank you for returning to school with positivity and for demonstrating our school values. 


Just a reminder that students need to wear their hats during play to help keep them safe outside. 

Please make sure that all hats are labelled so that they can be returned to their owners if they go missing. 

Also please remind all students to bring a (labelled) drink bottle to school. As the weather warms up we need to make sure that we are staying hydrated. 


Below are some photos from the last week of Term 3

We congratulate our award winners and 1/2 Bettio on earning the Bernie Trophy.


Maths - 3D Shape