Mr Brendan
Mr Brendan
On returning from our school holidays the students were keen to start earning their HERO tokens to add to the school HERO wall. For those who don't know, 'HERO' at SFX stands for Helping Everyone Respect Others. So, to kick off the year we spoke about how we can be HERO's at SFX and created some posters to put around the school. We had a discussion about what a HERO at SFX looks like, sounds like and feels like.
This week in Inquiry we are learning about the value of ‘Taking Responsible Risks’ so that we can understand and practise this habit. A comfort zone is a situation where you feel comfortable and at ease. Everyone's comfort zone is different. When you are in your comfort zone, you are doing familiar things that feel okay to you. You are not challenging yourself to do anything new, difficult, or stressful. The children were asked to consider different scenarios and how they might feel in each situation. We then devised some Responsible Risk Plans to help us step out of our comfort zone!
We've enjoyed our first two weeks of Fun Fit. Hula Hooping with Charlie was a lot of fun and quite challenging. Over the next two weeks we will be learning some breakdancing! The next two weeks of Fun Fit will be on Tuesday afternoons.
Home Learning tasks will begin soon. At the moment we are working through some annual testing and assessments and are establishing classroom routines and expectations. Information about Home Learning will be forwarded in the coming weeks.
All parents and families of 3/4B are invited to attend our Week 6 Whole School Assembly where students in 3/4B will talk about and present some of their Term 1 work to date. Our assembly will be on Thursday 6th March beginning at 2:30pm. The children would love to see you there!
A big holiday Happy Birthday to:
Ruby B (5th Jan)
Levi C (15th Jan).
On returning to school we also celebrated Charlie T's birthday (5th Feb).
The class wish these three wonderful classmates a joyous and happy birthday.
Kind regards,
Mr Brendan, Ms Kim and Ms Sue.