
Ms Laura & Ms Terri

Education in Faith / Inquiry

As part of our Education and Inquiry unit all about Identity, we are thinking about all the things that make us unique - and how lucky we are that God made us this way. 

Here are our unique self portraits. Can you work out who is who?


Badge Making

On Tuesday, the children made badges as part of our wellbeing day. The badges carried special messages about kindness. They also enjoyed a variety of other activities including designing and constructing towers made from paper and sticky tape. 


Fun Fit

This week was the second class of Hula Hooping with Charlie. Students have really enjoyed learning new skills and having a lot of fun trying out some challenging moves.

Next week we begin our Breakdancing unit, which will be held over the following two Tuesdays. That means sports uniforms should be worn on Tuesday next week and the following Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Reminder: next Wednesday February 19th is a school closure day.

Class SRC Leaders 

Congratulations Reuben and Divine, our 1/2 L SRC Leaders for this year. 

Happy Birthday

Wishing the following class members, who have celebrated a birthday so far this year, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

2/1 - Oscar

17/1 - Aurelia

20/1 - Remy

31/1 - Vayarn

06/2 - Renold


We will post regular class updates on Seesaw. Please contact us if you do not have access so we can make sure you are seeing our updates and messages. 

Class Reading - The Twits

Our class is enjoying the story The Twits, by Roald Dahl. If you are looking for a bedtime novel to read and share at home, we recommend books by Roald Dahl. 


Next Thursday, February 20th, the Year 1/2 classes will be attending 9.15am Mass. 

We would like to invite all our 1/2 families to join us in the church on Thursday morning. Some students will be carrying out special jobs during Mass, as well as everyone being involved in singing one of our favourite Andrew Chin tunes. 

Look forward to seeing you there!


~ Ms Laura, Ms Terri & Ms Jane