Ms Melanie
Ms Melanie
Our focus in Math is creating two-part patterns. The Preps started by following and making simple movement patterns, such as jumping, clapping, jumping, clapping, or waving, stomping, waving, and stomping. Then, the Preps identified and described the unit of repeat in simple two-object or colour patterns and independently continued the patterns using various objects in the classroom.
The students do finger gym to prepare for writing and holding a pencil. They strengthen their fingers through different finger positions and stretches while following the game's instructions. This is a highlight with all the students.
The Preps are learning that sentences are made of words and words are combinations of letters. They clap, jump, and count the words in a sentence. In addition, the students are identifying words that rhyme. The students crouch down, and I ask, 'Does the end of two words sound the same, such as wig and pig or fly and sky?' If the words rhyme, the students jump up; if the words don't rhyme, they remain crouched down.
The Prep students can experience strong emotions, and in the classrooms, we use the Zones of Regulation to help them identify how they are feeling using colours and characters. As a class, we discussed how we might feel in each zone and identified some strategies to help us move into the green zone. Students feel calm, happy, and ready to learn in the green zone.