Friends of S. F. X

Cake Stall
The amazing Friends of SFX are running a cake stall fundraiser at the school picnic.
We would greatly appreciate donations of either home baked or store bought treats, such as cakes, slices, biscuits and cupcakes.
Donations can be dropped off during the day of Friday 28th, between 8am - 3:30 pm. Please also attach a list of the ingredients, or send in the original packaging for store bought items.
We are also in need of more volunteers to help run the cake stall during the picnic.
If you are able to give a hand for part of the evening and have a current Working with Children Check, please notify Melissa Sotelo by email.
Working with Children Check
We require all volunteers to have a current working with children check. If you would like to join the Friends of SFX group and support our beautiful school community, please bring your card into the school office to update our records. If you have yet to apply for a WWC please see the link below.