Dear St Francis Xavier Families,


Last Friday morning we gathered as a school community to share a whole school prayer.

The purpose was to acknowledge and celebrate the start of our 2025 school year, to ask God's blessings upon us and to introduce the Jubilee Year Pilgrims of Hope concept to our students.  

Thank you to the Year 6 students and my wonderful 'prayer people' who helped to facilitate a reverent and peaceful experience.

In 2025, Whole  School Prayer will usually occur first thing in the morning, within your child's classroom, on a Friday. We will send out advance notice via Audiri to let families know which weeks it is happening and you are always welcome to join in.

Lovely to see everyone joining in with our faith song
Lovely to see everyone joining in with our faith song



Eight of our Year 4 students will soon begin preparing for the sacrament of Reconciliation. They will be presented to the parish at mass this weekend and receive a blessing from the priest and congregation. 



I really enjoy before school playground duty because it presents me with opportunities to chat with the children.  I am often involved in a conversation or receive information that amuses me,  puts a big smile on my face or warms my heart. Last week one of our Year 1 students asked if I could guess what he dreamed about the night before. With great enthusiasm he proceeded to tell me he dreamed that he died and went to heaven and it looked just like St Francis Xavier School! He mentioned he was so happy because he could see his teacher and friends. 

Later that week I went to the Prep room to collect a child who was leaving early. She collected her bag and then as she approached me asked if she could go back to hug her teacher goodbye.  Beautiful!


I will be away for four weeks of long service leave from Week 5 but will be back is time to celebrate the Year 4 Reconciliation and our Easter activities. Wishing you all a safe and blessed term.


Warmest wishes,


Marion O'Brien

Education in Faith Leader