
Mr Will

FunFit - By Helna

At funfit we were practising hula hooping tricks with Charlie. We started by doing stretches like touching your toes and doing much much more stretches, then after that we started  learning easy tricks like hula hooping on our hips. It was quite easy for many of the students to do, after doing hip hooping we  started hula hooping on our arms which was easier for  a majority of students.

Finally we reached one of the hardest tricks, this one included a partner to do it with you, you had to pass the hula hoop from your arm to your partner's arm.

After practising that trick the students got time to do any of the tricks that they practised, which was very exciting for most of the students.


Inquiry - By Mercy & Holly

In Inquiry we've been talking about our identities. The past week in our class 5/6W we have been learning about human dignity and the identity of others.  In inquiry we have discussed our features, characteristics and our background. We have been making paper hands, inside we write down our hobbies, and what we love. We’ve also been learning to be kind and to never judge anyone because we are all different and all as equal. We have all had so much fun and we are all very excited to do lots more in our class.

Writing - By Seha

In writing this term all the students in 5/6 w have written a bio poem. A bio poem is a 10 lined poem that doesn't require rhyming , and is about someone. We have written one about ourselves. Everyone got to make it on canva and decorate it with things that we like.  We all had so much fun making them and we can't wait to share the writing pieces we make during the year with you!