Mrs. Debbie Terry
Mrs. Debbie Terry
On returning from our school holidays the students were keen to start earning their HERO tokens to add to the HERO wall. For those who don't know, HERO at SFX stands for Helping Everyone Respect Others. So, to kick off the year we spoke about how we can be HERO's at SFX and created some posters to put around the school. We had a discussion about what a HERO at SFX looks like, sounds like and feels like. Congratulations to all students who have been filling up their tokens!
Students have been learning about Addition and Subtraction and are enjoying using MAB's to solve problems.
Home Learning tasks will begin soon. At the moment we are working through some annual testing and assessments and are establishing classroom routines and expectations. Information about Home Learning will be forwarded in the coming weeks.
In Inquiry we are learning about 'Identity' and the students have been immersing themselves through stories, activities and even board games over the last couple of weeks. We had great fun explaining the aim of the various games, reflecting on the positives, negatives of them and potential improvements we would make to them.
A Happy Belated Birthday to:
Scarlett Tate (22nd January)
Zeppelin (25th January)
Everard (5th Feb)
The class wish these three wonderful classmates a joyous and happy birthday.
Kind regards,
Mrs Terry and Miss Becc