Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report


Term 1 - Week 3


Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,


After a few really hot days, thankfully some cooler days are now forecast for the next week!


Welcome Picnic

This year's Welcome Picnic will take place on Friday 28th February. Our picnic is always a great opportunity for families to connect, and students always have a lot of fun! 


-BYO picnic and drinks (no alcohol permitted)

-Sausage Sizzle

-Cake stall

-Jumping Castle 

-Dunking Machine (a list of teachers to dunk will be sent home next week!)

-Free Tattoos

-Icy Poles

-Market Stalls

-Fun games


I would like to remind families that students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian if they wish to attend the Welcome Picnic. They cannot be dropped at school and left unsupervised. 


School Advisory Council

The first meeting of our School Advisory Council (SAC) will be held early next month. 


This year we welcome Carolyn (mum of Phillipa in Grade 1) and Petrina (mum of Valentina in Grade 3) as new members of the SAC. I thank them both for generously offering their time and support to this vital school group. I would also like to acknowledge the continued commitment of  Shaunie , Rose and Isabel, who are all returning members of the SAC in 2025. 


The following are some of the ways in which the School Advisory Council support the school and its leadership:

  • Promoting the school's Catholic ethos and culture

  • Articulating and enacting the school's vision and mission

  • Promoting Faith and development

  • Capital resource planning and maintenance

  • Implementing school policies

  • Supporting and communicating both school and parish matters

  • Giving advice on issues such as enrolments, school improvement plans and enrolment trends.

School Uniform

Thank you to all the families who have made an effort to ensure that your children are being sent to school in the correct school uniform.


We understand that occasionally, your child may be out of uniform due to a number of reasons, including broken school shoes, wet washing, lost jumper etc. If this is ever the case, please write a note of explanation to your child’s class teacher. We will always remind children when they are out of uniform and if, after a reminder, the situation is not remedied, we will contact families reminding you that you need to act. Thank you for your support in this matter. 


Please remember:

  • School shoes must be all black. There should be no other colours visible. 

  • Navy socks are worn with the school uniform.

  • White socks are worn with the sports uniform. 

 Please note that the following are not part of our policy:

  • Socks with logos such as Nike etc

  • Coloured and extreme hair styles

  • Hair below shoulder length that is not tied back

  • Jewellery other than simple sleepers, studs and watches. Please save other jewellery for the weekend.

  • No make up or nail polish

  • No smart watches or watches that can be used to take photos or send messages

Pick Up Time

Over the past two weeks, there have been a large number of students being collected late from school between 3:30pm - 3:40pm. Can I ask all families to please make sure that your children are collected no later than 3:30pm, as this is the time when our staff meetings need to commence. 


Assembly next week

Next Thursday 20th February will be the date of our first assembly of the year. Assembly will start at 2:30pm and parents and carers are welcome to attend.

At this assembly, students from Grade 5/6L will present some of their learning.


Prep Enrolments 2026

We have had the first few enrolment forms for Prep in 2026 returned to school already.

If you know anyone who may be interested in enrolling at S.F.X, please encourage them to come for a tour or to phone the school office for more information.

If you have a child who will be ready to start at St Francis Xavier next year, please come and collect an enrolment form from the office if you have not done so already. 


Year 7 Enrolments

Just a reminder to our Grade 5 families - If you are wanting your child to enrol in a Catholic Secondary School in 2027, you need to do this in 2025. John Paul College in Frankston is our local Catholic Secondary School. Enrolment forms must be submitted to them by the 1st of August 2025. Please mark this date in your calendars and contact them if you have any questions or would like to organise a tour.


School Closure Day

A reminder that Wednesday 19th February is a school closure day at St Francis Xavier Primary School. Please make sure you organise supervision for your child/ren on this day.


Have a great weekend everyone.     


Steve Peart

School Principal