Classroom News 

Foundation News

Well what a wonderful week it has been in Foundation, despite the crazy hot February weather which has kept us indoors on a couple of occasions. It has been great getting to know each other and establishing relationships at our school. We have been busy learning each others' names. We have also been learning about our classroom routines and what we need to do to be good listeners. The children (who I will refer to as students from now on) have settled in really well and it has been a super week of fun and learning. They are a great bunch!

End of Week 1
End of Week 1

Speaking and Listening

The very basis for all our language development, reading and writing comes from oral language, our ability to speak and listen. The picture book, I Can Listen, has been used in the classroom as a stimulus over the past week for learning about using our WHOLE BODY to listen. Of course we use our ears to listen, but we also need to use other parts of our body ~ EARS, EYES, TONGUE, LEGS, FEET, HANDS and HEART. 

When we use all these parts of the body. we become great listeners! 


In Maths,  we have been learning about Pattern and what makes a pattern. We began looking at two part patterns involving shape and colour, such as blue circle, red triangle, blue circle, red triangle etc.

Then we had a chance to create our own using unifix cubes and then transferring that onto a sheet of paper. Great work, Foundation! I know Edmond was impressed! 

This is Edmond!
This is Edmond!
Ta Hiva
Ta Hiva



Introducing our Friend, Edmond the Emu

I had an epiphany when I was travelling many years ago and found out that the emu is my ryi, a sort of guardian angel. So when I started teaching Foundation, my friend Edmond wanted to be a part of the journey. He sits atop the computer screen at the front of the room and observes students' behaviours. Apart from being an observer of people, he is also a keen writer! This week we checked the letter box outside our class and found a letter from Edmond the Emu!  Here it is...


Dear Marty, Palwasha and Foundation students,

First of all I want to say thankyou kids for letting me be a part of your class. I am so excited!!! I  have been watching you,  from up here,  listen to your teachers and I am very happy!

I think Valentina, Michael, Romeo and Monique were the most impressive students last week .

Please give them a sticker from me,  Marty and Palwasha,  and tell the kids I’ll be on the lookout for really good listening this week!

Love and Peace,

Edmond the Emu

Making Friends

Eden and friends!
Eden and friends!

We have also been learning about making friends. We know that we need to use our words when we would like our friends to play with us. Two photos below show how friends can help each other out on the playground! Well done guys!

Audrey being a great friend to Elissa
Michael being a great friend to Katherine
Audrey being a great friend to Elissa
Michael being a great friend to Katherine

Icy Pole Thursday ~ for the Month of February

Thanks to Rocco (Michael's dad) who highlighted the fact that, due to testing each Friday, the Foundation students would miss out on the sweet, cool taste of the famous icy-pole. We listened (thanks Rocco!) and here it is! 

Yummy Yummy in my Tummy!
Yummy Yummy in my Tummy!

Year One 

WOW!! What a great first week we have had in Year 1. 

I was so pleased with the way everyone came into the classroom on their own and showed great independence. We have had a great time getting to know one another and exploring our new space. 


The Discovery Area has definitely been a hit! It has been so lovely watching all the students learn and play together. We welcome Kerthly to our Year 1 class! 

Year 2/3

Welcome to the Class 2/3 Newsletter page! 

We have had a brilliant start to the school term and it has been so relaxed and calm in our classroom. Over the past two weeks we have been creating classroom rules, writing prayers, enjoying sharing circles, reading books, getting to know each person in this vibrant class and getting creative either drawing a self portrait or one of our family. Please see the photo below of the artist and their masterpiece. Have a wonderful weekend!


Year 3/4 

Welcome to 2025! It has been a great start to the year, students have been observed to be sitting quietly, or lined up waiting patiently while teachers pass important information to the next teacher. Well done Y3/4!

We would also like to welcome a new student to our class, Martin who is from Colombia. We look forward to learning more about Martin and also Colombia.  


Class Expectations 

The Year 3/4 students have been identifying what our classroom should look like when we are learning. We identified 4 ideas that we wanted to incorporate into our classroom - Respect, Kindness, Follow Instructions, Being Organised. We used the Chalk and Talk strategy to identify what we thought each of these ideas meant. We then shared and discussed the different points of each one. From this we combined similar ideas and shortened our list of expectations for each idea. The students have made drawings of how this looks in the classroom and school and these pictures will be added to the posters to be displayed in the classroom. 


Year 4/5  and Year 5/6

Welcome back to another year at Sacred Heart! The Year 4/5s and Year 5/6s have returned with fantastic enthusiasm and have settled in wonderfully! We kicked off the year with some fun and engaging activities, starting with math games that encouraged teamwork and problem-solving. For Wellbeing, we played kickball, which was a hit! The students demonstrated excellent cooperation, communication and teamwork, making it an exciting start to the year. We're looking forward to more growth, learning and fun moments throughout the year ahead. It's going to be a great one!  

Both classes have been making a classroom Prayer Book, where we combine our prayers to read out each morning. Everyone thought about what they could include in their prayer. Some students wrote about praying for the homeless people and those less fortunate than us. Some students prayed to God thanking Him for all they have and for their families. Mia and Laura


Working with new people from a different class is a great way to make new friends and it is a great way to learn from each other.    Isabella


During the time we got to play some Maths games with the year 5/6, I really enjoyed a game called "Piggy". It was fun to switch the rules around and I got to know my partners better at the same time.    Kaitlyn


I have been improving my strategies in Maths and how to modify the rules because I've worked with a partner from year 4/5. It was very enjoyable spending time with my friends in the other class.    Allie


I think that year 4/5 and year 5/6 have brilliant chemistry together! We work beautifully, we work harder and we also have lots of fun together!    Veer

We learnt more about each other when we were playing all the Maths games. We all had lots of fun learning the different games and socializing with each other.    Chloe


I have enjoyed doing teamwork activities with the year 4/5s. In teamwork activities, we learn from each other and that way, we become more knowledgeable.    Ali

I really enjoyed when we all played Kick Ball together. I thought that teamwork was really working well and helped us to get more home runs. I'm looking forwards to more activities together with the year 5/6.     Brenton


It was nice to play Kick Ball with the year 5/6. It was a great experience because it was nice to mingle with another class.    Nirav