Year 3/4 News 

WELCOME BACK TO 2025! Miss Smith and Miss Falls are so excited to be teaching Grade 3/4 this year. We have had a busy first week back and are impressed with the students ability to settle back into school with a positive attitude. We are pleased to see new friendships being made and students looking out for each other!



In Reading, we have been establishing our classroom routines and expectations around independent reading, choosing a just right book and building our reading stamina. 


In Writing, students have had a go at writing a number of persuasive texts in response to a range of prompts, for example;

  • Summer/Winter is the best season. 
  • Our classroom should have a class pet. Agree/Disagree.
  • Choose a sport/hobby/activity that you are interested in. Write to persuade a reader why they should try your chosen activity. 


In Maths, we have started our Statistics unit. Students are learning to collect, interpret and represent data. 



Here are some happy snaps from the Grade 3/4 swimming lessons this week!