Year 9 News

Vermont Secondary College

Welcome back to Year 9 VSC families from the new Year 9 Student Management (SM) Team. 


Ms Eccles has gone to different pastures for this year, so now Stirling House will be represented by a new Dynamic Duo, Ms Callegaro and Ms Anderson. Please see the flyer attached with this post for relevant work days. I’m sure the Stirling students will come to know their stellar Stirling leaders as the semester progresses.


The beauty of Transition classes  2024 means that most students have already settled into “mixed lolly bag” classes with CORE form classes now containing a mix of Hotham/Stirling/Macedon classes, and ELECTIVE classes a different mix again. Additionally, VSC is also attracting new Year 9 students who have moved into the Vermont area. Students are adjusting to their new lockers and Year 9 space in the plane-tree-shaded S Wing (Art Wing). Their inside area for hot and cold days is now the inside of the newer C Wing, which I’m sure most students will view as an upgrade from the Year 8 locker inside area. The SM team hopes the Year 9s will value their area and keep it clean for everyone.


Well done to all families for returning students to VSC in full school uniform. Students have come back to school looking sharp and even some school shoes are shining with newness or polish! Please remember to contact your child’s SM if you have an issue providing the correct uniform items for your child as we may be able to assist. Please assist us maintain students pride in wearing the uniform by only buying correct items, (including black school shoes which take polish – e.g. leather; black sneakers which don’t take polish are not appropriate on non-PE days). Parent notes are required when a genuine reason is for students being unable to wear a uniform item on a day. 

The student must come to the SM office prior to the morning locker bell to be issued a COMPASS uniform pass. Students who are out of uniform without a pass may be allocated a lunch-time detention.


FYI For the calendar

Year 9 Phillip Island Camp Dates are: Dec 8-10. Program Managers will release details later.


Here’s to a great final year as VSC juniors for the student cohort.


Ms Nettleship, Mr Malpelli, Ms Callegaro, Ms Anderson.