Group 21 

Group 21 are such a great creative bunch. We love making, creating, getting actively involved and hands on with whatever we are doing. This term we have been exploring different ways of expressing ourselves through art, design, singing, dancing, cooking and outdoor activities like the Colour Run. We like to dress up, have fun and give things a go. We used so many different materials and techniques to make beautiful art works like our Halloween costumes, ocean prints, bird paintings, so many different Christmas decorations and our Christmas tree that we made from scratch. The Colour Run was a highlight, where we turned ourselves into human art works as we ran around the course! We have followed recipes and sequences of steps to make and bake many delicious goodies including gingerbread men, stained-glass biscuits and magical reindeer food. It has been a great term with lots of fun and learning. We wish you all a very happy, joyful family time as you celebrate together over Christmas and the summer holidays. 

See you next year!

All the best from Stacy and Emma