Group 16 

We have had an exciting few weeks in Group 16! With the lead up to the holidays and Christmas we have been busy with special activities and Christmas fun. All of the boys enjoyed participating in the Colour Run! We also celebrated Hunter’s birthday!

In Science, we learned about different types of weather and how the weather can affect what we should wear. We made some fake snow and snowflakes! We also learned about different ways objects can move. For example, push, pull and bounce.

In preparation for Christmas, we have been busy completing Christmas Art, learning new vocabulary and writing letters to Santa! We baked Christmas cooking and practiced singing our favourite Christmas carols. 

Bre and I would like to thank all of the families for all of your support this year. Every student has shown so much learning and growth, and we are so proud of all the boys. We could not have done it without you. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

Mackenzie and Bree