Group 10

Group 10 has had an incredible year, filled with lots of growth and fun! It has been wonderful seeing the boys become such great friends over the year. In the playground, they play together and share space with each other and in the classroom, they have shown immense progress with sitting together and sharing resources.
Some of our favourite activities have been our library sessions, STEM sessions (the magnet kit was a class favourite!) and our group circle sessions, when we sat together and took turns to explore our photos from previous years, talk about the weather, and identify the days of the week. The boys have done well all year, showing consistent enthusiasm about working together and new resources. Other highlights include seeing each other dress up on special occasions such as the Colour Run, Halloween and Sports Day!
We have loved watching the boys’ friendships grow and witness their incredible progress with all their academic goals and social skills. Thank you for the very fun memories and we will miss you all so much. Happy holidays everyone!
Ying and Hooi