Room 2
Foundation - Year 2
Room 2
Foundation - Year 2
What a crazy and fun start to the year we have had in Room 2. For nearly half the grade, this is our first year at school or first year at Cowwarr PS and what can I say except "We are kicking goals".
Room 2 students have been learning about each other, their teachers, and of course our classroom routines. The last 2 weeks have been all about practise and getting settled in as we find our 'groove' as a class.
Starting or returning to school can have us feeling lots of different feelings. Students explored some of these feelings as we reflected on the story 'Butterflies on the First Day of School. We have created lovely butterflies to hang around our classroom to remind us that these feelings pass.
Starting School Butterfly Activity
Exploring our new learning space with a scavenger hunt.
Enjoying our new friends and classroom!
We are excited for the weeks to come and look forward to challenging ourselves in the classroom as we learn new things together.