Ways of Being Together, Wellbeing & Learning Diversity
Information & Latest News
Ways of Being Together, Wellbeing & Learning Diversity
Information & Latest News
Dear Families,
We are excited to be working with students within the Wellbeing and Learning Diversity Space to assist students with their social and emotional learning, as well as achieving their academic goals within the classroom setting. We are currently working with students, teachers and families to provide support in transitioning back to the new school year and developing students’ confidence within their new learning space.
There is a member of the team on site each day of the week,
Monday (fortnightly) and every Tuesday- Rosy Years P-2
Tuesday-Thursday- Lisa Years 3-6
Thursday - Nicole Years P-2
Erin will continue to work in the Wellbeing and Diversity space, as well as in her Deputy Principal role across the week Monday to Friday.
We are very much looking forward to extending our connections with students and parents over the course of the year and we encourage parents to reach out if you have any further questions or would like to arrange a meeting for a further discussion about your child's needs.
Warm regards,
Erin, Lisa, Nicole and Rosy
Erin Stone
Deputy Principal
People and Culture of Safety and Wellbeing
Lisa Hibbert, Rosy Cubero and Nicole Harbach
Learning Diversity and Ways of Being Together Leaders