What's On

Important Dates

A link to the Parent Calendar can be found on the School Website under News & Events or by clicking on this link 

 A reminder that Year 6 Sports Captains and Year 2-6 MacKillop leaders will be presented with their badges at Monday's School Assembly @ 2.45pm in the Hall. 

(We are still waiting for the badges for the Year 6 Student Voice & Agency Leaders so they will be presented at another time, to be advised)


Please note that Tuesday, 11th March is a Pupil Free day for Staff Professional Development.



Fri7th FebYear 6 Camp Campaspe Downs
Mon10th FebSchool Assembly - Presented by Year 5
Tues11th FebGetting to Know You Conversations
Wed12th FebPrep Day at home
  Getting to Know You Conversations
Fri14th FebPrep Fire Brigade Visit
  Class Mass@9.15am for Year 1
Wed19th FebDistrict Swimming - Select students

Class Information Sessions @ 4pm & 4.30pm 


Fri21st FebClass Mass@9.15am for Year 2
  Prep Day at home
Mon24th FebSchool Assembly - Presented by Year 6
Wed 26th FebPreps first Wednesday
Fri28th FebClass Mass@9.15am for Year 3
Tues4th MarPrep 2026 Talk and Tour
  School Advisory Council Meeting
Wed 5th MarAsh Wednesday Mass @9.15am
Mon10th MarLabour Day Public Holiday
Tues11th MarCurriculum Day - Pupil Free
Wed 12th MarYear 3 & 5 Naplan period begins
Thurs13th MarPrep 2026 Talk and Tour
Fri14th MarClass Mass@9.15am for Year 4
Wed19th MarSt Joseph's Feast Day
Mon24th MarPrep 2026 Talk and Tour
  School Assembly - Presented by Year 3
Fri28 MarClass Mass@9.15am for Year Prep & 5
Wed2nd AprilPrep 2026 Talk and Tour
  Year 3-6 House Cross Country Digman Reserve
Frid4th AprilLast day for Term 1. Students finish at 1pm