Notizie Italiane

Buongiorno a tutti!
Natale is just around the corner and our learning for the year is coming to a close. In our Italian classes, we have been discussing Italian Christmas traditions, including learning about La Befana, the kind old lady who brings children presents on the Epiphany (Jan 6th) just as the Three Kings brought gifts for the baby Jesus.
Complimenti to the follow students who received Award Certificates for participation/excellence in Italian this year:
Prep/1 Sebastian F, Gabriela F
Yr 2 Evie R, Alessia S
3/4 Ellie M, Connor V, Oscar C, Will N
4/5 Dylan B, Jeremy V, Emma S
5/6 Harry C
Ben fatto (well done) to Violet and Elizabeth, who also received certificates for their work this year as our Italian leaders. Throughout the year, they have been consistent role models of the language, introducing the weekly word of the week to the school community. Thank you both for your valuable contribution!
A special welcome to our new Italian Leaders for 2025, Emily BL and Georgia P.
We wish you all the very best in your new roles!
Thank you to all students at OLHC for their contribution to the Italian program this year.
Tanti auguri di buone feste! (Best wishes for the holidays!)
Arrivederci e grazie!
Signora Chesterman and Signorina Liv