Years 4 & 6

We have had a busy start to the year in the 4-6 classroom. Lots of assessment tasks!

I am very proud of the growth mindset shown by all of the students who have stuck to the task, aimed high and completed everything assigned. Well done team!


We have also been establishing our wellbeing program. We have talked about being an active learner, and the role each of us plays when learning. We established protocols outlining what makes an Effective Learning Partner.

This week we started learning about the Zones of Regulation. This program teachers us about how to manage our emotional response appropriately for different situations.

We talked about what regulation means – to control something to suit the situation. For example, we can regulate our temperature by putting on more clothes to warm up or drinking cold water to cool down. We can regulate the speed of a vehicle to suit conditions. We can also regulate our feelings. If we are angry, we can choose a strategy to help us regulate such as going for a walk or moving to a quiet place. If we are super excited, when can take deep breaths to calm down.

We also talked about age-appropriate responses to triggers. As a toddler, we might have thrown a tantrum instead of regulating our emotions. As we get older, we understand ourselves better and so we can regulate.


A great start to 2025 Year 4-6. I can’t wait to see what we achieve this year.