Mission & Religious Education News
FAQs! Why do Catholics hold Mary in such high esteem?
Every community has its heroes, people whose lives embody an ideal and inspire us to greater heights. The church, too, looks up to men and women who are outstanding witnesses to the gospel. Of all the saints, prophets, and holy people who have gone before us in faith, Catholics honour Mary in a special way because of her unique role in the story of Christianity. As the mother of Jesus, she was the first to bear the Good News of salvation to the world. Mary’s life is the most perfect example we have of life lived under the grace of the Holy Spirit. Her feminine presence opens us to the essential dimensions of the Gospel and draws us closer to the heart of Christ
New Staff Induction
Thank you to those who have registered for Friday’s induction. You will receive a confirmation email later this week.
Induction days are spread throughout the year to cater for all staff. The next day is the 8th of March 2024
Please note a change of dates for the Term 4 Cornerstones sessions. They are now November 9 and 15.
Please fill in the google form here to indicate your preference.
Upcoming Feast Days
October 18 - St Luke
October 19 - Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, and their Companions, Martyrs
Saint Paul of the Cross
October 21 - Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary
October 23 - Saint John of Capistrano