Assistant Principals' Report
Year 7-9 Assistant Principal Report:
Rachel Robertson
It was wonderful to see so many Year 7 students submit their applications to be a Junior Ambassador next year. It is clear that this is a cohort keen to explore leadership opportunities and embrace our motto: Lead and Achieve! Students have been working on their creative story in Social World, inspired by their text of study, Crow Country, after hearing from the author Kate Constable earlier this term.
There is a real buzz in the air for Year 8 students as they prepare to go on Year 8 Camp next week! I want to thank the Year 8 Year Level Leaders, Emily Miller and Hannah Grice, as well as Katelyn and Marilyn, who have been working tirelessly on cabin groupings, activity groupings, bus allocations and activity timetables - all to ensure a full and enjoyable program for all students. Year 8s also have an NGV Excursion to look forward to when they are not on Camp next week.
We are so pleased that the Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp was able to run last week after being rescheduled from earlier in the term. These students will also experience two upcoming rock climbing excursions. Another elective, Marine Biology, is preparing for their camp later this term.
For Year 8 and 9 students, the Middle School Executive will be elected later this term. I encourage all students to keep a close eye on their emails for more information and hope to see many students putting their names forward for this opportunity.
Year 10-12 Assistant Principal Report:
Renee Liprino
A massive thank you to Ms. Kate Nicholls, Ms. Kim Paatch and the whole VCE team for their great organisation of the Year 12 VCE Exams. Their support of students and follow-up has been so caring and impressive.
Good luck to all the students who still have exams to go, and to the Year 11s and Year 10s, who are beginning theirs.
New Student Orientation 8-12 and Home Stay Families
I was very excited to meet the first group of our new International Students on the 1st of November and am really excited about meeting all of the new Year 8-12 students all together in Week 7. We have organised activities such as icebreakers, meeting the Year Level Leaders and a school tour.
Please lookout for the email I sent to all families, on becoming a Home Stay Family. If you’d like to know more about our program, check out our YouTube clip at: and our website: International Students @ MGC - Melbourne Girls' College Please don't hesitate to contact us via the College number 9428 8955, or email: We're here to assist you every step of the way.
If you have a new student in your class during Head Start or in 2024, please make them feel welcome.
Head Start and Work Experience
Exciting times are ahead with Year 11 and 12 2024 students, starting their new course subjects in Week 8 Head Start. This program will also involve students taking home holiday homework – expected to be completed by the first school day back in Term 1 2024.
Any absent students need to contact their subject teacher to be directed to the work online, to ensure they are ready for the next step in their learning.
Good luck to all of the Year 10 students who will get a taste of their possible future industries, during Week 9 Work Experience. I look forward to hearing from students and the teachers after workplace visits. If you have any queries, please contact the careers team as soon as possible: