Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

Children Left in Hot Cars

As temperatures begin to rise, so too do the dangers of leaving kids alone in cars on hot days. 

On hot days, the temperature jumps as soon as the car door closes. Within minutes the temperature in the car can double, which can be extremely dangerous – even fatal – for children left inside. Although it is never the intention to leave children alone for long, many parents do so while making a quick stop at the newsagent, chemist, or corner shop.     



A quick stop to pick something up can take much longer than expected.



Research shows that one in three parents admit to leaving children alone in the car, with one in five believing it is acceptable for less than five minutes. 


Young children are particularly at risk as their body temperature can reach dangerous levels more quickly than expected. A young child’s body temperature rises three to five times faster than an adult’s does, placing them at greater risk of life threatening heatstroke, dehydration and other health risks. When it’s 30 degrees outside, children could be suffering in up to 60 degree heat. When travelling with a child, parents need to make sure they take their child with them.

School Crossings - Walking into School

Keep our students AND YOUR CHILD safe! 

Teach them how to use the supervised school crossing before and after school even if it means you have further to walk.


It never ceases to shock me to see a parent with their child/children in tow weaving between the busy traffic in the morning on Bradford Avenue or Langton Way to get to the school yard. What sort of a role model are they? What are they teaching their child/children about crossing a road safely? So, what do you think their child/children might do next time when they are on their own and need to cross the road before or after school? 

Flying to Foundation

Our new students, who will be in Foundation in 2024, have attended their first sessions of the ‘Flying to Foundation’ transition program. At this stage, we have just over 70 new Foundation students who will be starting their school life at Greenvale next year. Amongst the families who already have older children at Greenvale, there were many families who are new to our community and we welcome them.


All children were given a special ‘Flying to Foundation’ T-shirt that they wear to each transition session to give them a sense of belonging. Students will attend six 75 minute sessions over the remainder of the term culminating in a ’Meet Your Teacher’ session at the end. This will give all new Foundation students an opportunity to get to know their teacher and the children who they will be with next year. It also allows staff to get to know the new students so that when they begin school, their needs can be catered for.


Starting school is a major life transition for children and their families. It is a period of change that can be both challenging and exciting, in which children and families adjust to new roles, identities and expectations, new interactions and new relationships. Transition to school is not a point-in-time event, but rather an experience that starts well before, and extends far beyond, the first day of school.


Many children will start school after having attended kindergarten; while others will have attended child care; while others may not have attended any formal prior-to-school service. However, all will have developed a range of skills and abilities that form the basis of positive school experiences.


Thanks to Marcel Pulo who has led the organisation of this year’s ‘Flying to Foundation’ program with the support of the current Foundation team.


Alongside the children attending ‘Flying to Foundation”, a ‘Parents as Partners’ program has again been organised for the parents each week. This program has the mantra of ‘Enrolling Your Family and not just your Child’. The parents of our new students attended the first parent session in the staffroom led by Sandra Blanck outlining all the administrative details for our school.  

Early Drop offs and Late Pick ups

There are a number of children being dropped off at school before 8:30am and also being picked up late after school. There is no supervision before 8:45am and no supervision after 3:45pm. If you need to bring your child to school early or pick them up late you will need to book them into TheirCare our before and after school providers. If children are not picked up by 3:45pm they will need to go to after care. If you are running late for pick up as a one off, please give us a call and let us know.

Bookings: or 0438 975 813.


Do you have a child who will be a Foundation student in 2024? Have you enrolled him/ her yet? If not, please do so immediately by phoning the school office.


Also if your child is not returning to Greenvale Primary School in 2024 (excluding Year 6's), can you please call the office 9333 2500.


Food for Thought









Angelika Ireland