The Australian History Competition

We had 80 of our Year 8 students participate in the Australian History Competition earlier this year. The competition was prepared by the History Teachers’ Association of Australia. The primary goal was to provide an interesting and challenging competition for students. The Year 8 paper was broadly based on the Australian Curriculum: History for year 8. It provided a quality resource that demonstrated approaches to the assessment of knowledge, skills and understandings. The focus is on testing interpretation and analysis rather than prior knowledge.
Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding results:
High Distinction
Tristan Fazekas
Ella Foreman
Aris Anastasopoulos
Elsie Barrett
Moritz Hau
Archie Johnstone
Avik Kamath
Marko Le
Estelle Lebeau
Oscar Lowe
Siddharth Rao
Camille Duff
Keiran Fretwell
Asher Greenblat
Momona Ishikawa
Sullivan Jordan
Eve McNamara
Miro Nikakis
Arnaud Ong
Ridhi Panuganti
Shivam Prajapati
Qinger Wu
Ashley Barker
Monako Bernabe
Jackson Dry
Gabriella Duieb
Faustine Eymin Petot Tourtollet
Isabella Kelaher
Patrick Mills
Sofia Murrie
Isabelle Nachalsky
Kristian Piasecki
Julian Porteous
Pranit Praveen
Roshna Rajesh
Mathis Trevisani
Melanie Mattsson
Humanities Learning Area Leader