Food Technology

Pumpkin Carving Workshop
Food technology held a pumpkin carving workshop during lunchtime on the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday before Halloween. Students from Years 7-9 signed up and were excited to tackle the task with their giant pumpkins.
On Wednesday we cleaned and scooped out the pumpkins. Thursday the students selected their designs and began etching, this was the most time consuming part of the process, but everyone agreed it was a calm and relaxing way to spend their lunch break. Friday is when the pumpkins really started to take shape as the carvings stage was completed. The results were amazing and everyone felt proud of how their designs came to life.
We had a range of designs including an emoji ghost, many fun and scary faces, a couple of cats, a vampire or two and a sugar skull. The pumpkins were then displayed around the school and made their way home in time for Halloween.
Danish Pastries
Last week Year 9 Make Bake and Decorate students completed their Danish pastries. This work was part of a written assessment task which required them to produce a product from a design brief. The process took three weeks. Week 1 they produced a batch of yeast puff pastry and stored it in the freezer. Week 2 they decided on their Danish designs/ fillings and then last week they created and baked their product.
Everyone enjoyed assembling the pastries and then watching them rise as they baked. The students were all so proud of the layers they had formed in their laminated dough, and I enjoyed watching their faces light up as they took their first bite.
Sonia Buxton
Food Technology