2024 Re-enrolment

Parent Payments for 2024
Glen Eira College is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of Glen Eira College’s voluntary financial contributions for 2024.
Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students and we thank you for your support. Parent Payment Arrangements for each year level are available on our website. General Office & Parent Payments | Glen Eira College (gec.vic.edu.au)
Your contributions support our ability to meet the diverse need of our students, and to ensure our teaching staff are equipped with great materials and facilities to run programs successfully.
Within our school this support has allowed us to:
- Further enhance high quality learning programs and subject-specific materials across the curriculum.
- Support all students to achieve the best results possible as reflected in our VCE outstanding academic results.
- Provide programs including instrumental music, productions, concerts, art shows, house sports competition, as well as over 30 lunchtime clubs and activities.
- Optimise the texts for students – fiction and non-fiction and provide online digital subscriptions to enhance learning.
- Complete the upgrade of our sports oval and now have shade sails installed across the length of the oval.
- Upgrade outdoor seating and enhance landscaping.
- Rejuvenate classrooms, including new carpet and painting.
- Upgrade and improve our IT technology to enhance learning opportunities.
For further information on the Department’s Parent Payments Policy please see our website.
Re-enrolment for 2024
By now you will have received notification regarding information around the confirmation of enrolment and the parent payment arrangements for 2024. If you give approval, make contributions or a payment through XUNO then you do NOT need to return any paperwork to the College. Please contact the general office either by email or phone for the following items:
- If you would prefer paper forms we will arrange to have a set of papers mailed out to you.
- If there are any questions in relation to our 2024 re-enrolment process
- If you are experiencing financial hardship and would like to discuss some options then please contact Gabrielle Darvell our Business Manager via email on gabrielle.darvell@education.vic.gov.au
Key Dates to remember
- Thursday 30th November 2023: Booklist completed online to avoid paying delivery and admin charges
- Wednesday 13th December 2023: Approvals completed for Whole school Sports and Local Excursions for 2024
- Wednesday 13th December 2023: Confirm student enrolment information details (emailed). You only need to return this form if there are changes to your details.
Exiting Students
If you have already indicated that your child is exiting the College, you will not have any re-enrolment events or payments. If you have not advised the College of your intention to leave, please do so in writing. You will receive an Exit Form which needs to be returned prior to your child leaving.
Gabrielle Darvell
Business Manager