Captain's Chronicle

Macedon Ranges Recycling Incursion
Earlier in the term a nice lady called Tamara came to the school to help us improve our environment with the red, green, yellow and purple bins. She came to all the classrooms to show us what to put in each bin and what each bin means, for example:
Red means ‘Regular Waste’
Yellow means ‘Recycling’
Purple means ‘Glass’
And Green means ‘Food Waste’
Tamara truly showed the school about waste and how to improve it.
Happy Halloween Dress-Up Day
On Tuesday October 31st, we did a Halloween dress-up day to celebrate All Hallows Eve. Everyone dressed up in their spookiest costumes and we all took part in a fun costume parade! Ms. Rapetti handed out lollies and everyone had a great time playing games, eating lollies and admiring each other's spooky costumes.
Log Cabin Camp
Two weeks ago the middles and seniors went on school camp in Creswick for 2 nights. We had a giant swing, flying fox, night walk, orienteering and many more fun activities. Everyone had a ton of fun. There were 2 Bunkrooms and 3 Bedrooms. We were catered for by a nice cook Emily. We had a lovely guide called William who was here for our entire journey and helping us with the activities. We were very grateful for him and passed down
our gratitude as we left on the bus ride home.
Finn, Max & Xander
School Captains