Camp Comments

School camp was amazing having all my friends there made it better the activities that
were my favourite were milk crate stacking, clip and climb and giant swing everyone was enjoying it and I did too camp was awesome. - Rosie
It was really fun. I liked the flying fox because it went fast. It was fun because the food was good. - Jake
This was my first camp and I loved it. The first activity was the giant swing I loved it so much. Then we went on the flying fox. It was so fast. Then we had some dinner. I loved camp so much. - Briar
We did the giant swing, I screamed it was a bit scary. We got lifted up to 18 meters and we got dropped and it was really fast and I was happy with myself. I was shocked that I did it.
- Lucas C
Camp was amazing. We went to the flying fox and the giant swing and we had damper and breakfast and lunch and dinner and we went on a night hike. The next day we had orienteering and lunch was amazing because we had wraps and they were AMAZING! I had 2 wraps! Lunch for the last day was pizza. I had 4 pizzas! - Peter
When I got off the bus I was so excited. I went on the giant swing I got very very scared at the start. But l did it it went really fast and I was so happy with my self after it. Camp was so fun!!!! - Owen
I went to camp for my first time and as soon as I saw camp I burst with excitement. It didn’t even look like a camp it looked like a five-star hotel. The first thing we had to do was take our bags out of the bus and look at our rooms, my room had 7 beds. A few hours later we got to go on a giant swing, it was 18m high and when I dropped, my eyes became blurry. Lucas W
School camp was amazing it was my first camp and the flying fox was scary and the giant swing, clip and climb and milk crate stacking was so fun and hanging out with my friends was fun, camp was amazing. - Evie