Principal's Message

Curriculum Day


A quick reminder that Monday 6th of November is a pupil-free day for our final Curriculum Day for the year. We welcome students back on Wednesday 8th of November. 


Log Cabin Camp 


Over three days from October 18th to the 20th, our Year 2 - 6 children had the incredible experience of attending the Log Cabin Camp in Creswick, and we couldn't be happier with the outcome. From the moment they boarded the bus to the final moments of the damper-making, every aspect of the trip was memorable. 


One of the standout features of the Log Cabin Camp experience was the level of independence our children were able to embrace. From learning about their roommates to navigating the camp's various activities, our kids relished the opportunity to make decisions and take charge of their own experiences. 


The range of activities offered at Log Cabin Camp was nothing short of impressive. From adrenaline-pumping adventures like the flying fox and giant swing to more skill-based challenges such as archery and clip n climb, there was something for everyone. Personally, our favourite activity was the milk crate stacking, which provided an exhilarating combination of teamwork and problem-solving.


The camp wasn't just about physical tasks; it also included educational activities like orienteering, hut building, and damper making. These experiences allowed our children to learn valuable skills while having a great time. The scavenger hunt and night walk were particular highlights, offering a unique blend of adventure and learning that kept our kids engaged and excited. A lot of children spoke fondly about the night walk and particularly of the Alpacas who threatened to spit if any child got too close. 


The games room provided a space for friendly competition, with pool games lasting up to 45 minutes (until the kids eventually tired themselves out!). A special mention goes to the trivia game organised by Nicole, which was a big hit among the children.


I cannot emphasise enough the importance of the staff's role in making this camp such a success. Their dedication and tireless efforts in organising and overseeing every aspect of the trip were evident. From ensuring the children's safety to attending to their individual needs, our teachers truly went above and beyond. They deserve a massive pat on the back for creating an unforgettable experience for our children.


The Log Cabin Camp in Creswick was an experience that I hope will be cherished by our children for years to come. I extend my gratitude to the staff for their outstanding efforts in making this camp a reality. We look forward to more enriching experiences in the future!



Class Structure for 2024


As we prepare for the upcoming school year in 2024, we are excited to share some changes to our grade structure that we believe will enhance the learning experience for our students. In 2024, our grade structure will transition to a new model, with classes organised as: 


Junior - Prep/1/2 

Middle - 2/3/4

Senior - 5/6


The decision to restructure our grade levels was not taken lightly. Teachers spent time analysing the numbers for the next year, carefully considering the benefits of various models. We aim to ensure that our students receive the best possible education while maintaining an efficient and effective learning environment.


Should there be any unforeseen changes as we prepare for the 2024 school year, we will communicate these adjustments promptly. Our primary goal is to ensure that every student continues to receive the high-quality education they deserve.  


Once we have finalised our staffing arrangements for 2024, we will be pleased to announce the teachers who will guide each grade. Stay tuned for further updates and information as we embark on this exciting journey toward an even brighter future for our school.


Poppy Appeal


Our Wellbeing Leaders have taken on a new initiative with Remembrance Day approaching. Bolinda Primary School is proud to support RSL Victoria through the 2023 Poppy Appeal. The leaders will be visiting each classroom to offer a selection of badges, pens, and bracelets available for purchase, with prices ranging from $1, $2, $5 & $10.


Bushfire Preparedness


In recent weeks, I've participated in bushfire preparedness briefings at both regional and network levels. The information shared by experts is as follows:

  1. Predictions indicate that temperatures will be higher than the seasonal average throughout the summer.
  2. Below-average rainfall is expected.
  3. An El Niño event has been officially declared.

These factors will result in warmer and drier weather conditions, causing grass and forest vegetation to cure and dry faster, ultimately elevating the risk of bushfires. According to experts in the field, it is highly anticipated that we will face an exceptionally severe fire season.


As far as bushfire ratings are concerned, our school is categorized as a Category 4 Bushfire At Risk school. Schools in the Category 0 group close on days rated as a High risk. On Catastrophic days, our school will be closed and no staff, including contractors, are permitted on-site. 


The decision to close the school is made by the Department of Education and is not a school-based decision. The decision will made by 2PM on the day before and once the decision has been made, it will not change. 


Introduction of New Fire Danger Ratings:

The new fire danger rating system consists of four levels:


  1. Moderate - Plan and prepare
  2. High - Be ready to act
  3. Extreme - Take immediate action to safeguard your life and property
  4. Catastrophic - Leave bushfire risk areas for your survival

Fire Danger Ratings will be issued on days when there is a heightened risk of fire incidents.


Each fire danger rating will come with a clearly defined set of messages outlining the actions the community can take to minimise their risk. Ratings are forecast using Bureau of Meteorology data for up to four days in advance, based on weather and environmental conditions, including vegetation.


These ratings serve as a trigger for you to take action to ensure your safety. During this season, we strongly encourage all families to either create or review their bushfire plans. On days with high and extreme risk, we trust families to make decisions that are in the best interest of their loved ones.


Student Scholarships 


Scholarships are available for eligible students in Grade 4 to Year 11, and for Year 12 students planning to do tertiary studies in 2024.


The Department of Education administers a number of scholarships that are available to eligible students who are enrolled in Grade 4 to Year 12 in 2023.


Applicants for these scholarships will be evaluated on their:

· participation in school activities

· community involvement

· academic achievement.


Scholarships are either one-off payments or cover the duration of the student’s course or annual study. Many of these scholarships have specific eligibility criteria so please refer to individual applications for more Information. Applications are open and close on Thursday 1 February 2024.


For information on how to apply, visit:


World Teachers' Day



It was World Teachers' Day on October 27th and we celebrated it at Bolinda Primary School. While the staff were treated to a yummy lunch, the highlight was the unexpected teacher certificates that were handed out at assembly. Two students took it upon themselves to create awards during their own time throughout the day and then presented them to the teachers who were able to be at the assembly. The Year 3 & 4 students spoke with high regard for the teachers and it was an absolute highlight of my week. 

The staff at Bolinda Primary School are a dedicated team that goes out of their way to ensure the students have the best education and school experience possible. Whether it is planning engaging lessons, volunteering for fundraisers or diving into the costume box on a dress-up day, they go further than expected and provide so many opportunities for our students. 



Thank you,


Jordan Chamerski
