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Year 5/6 Wheatbelt CoRE Resource Challenge
In week 3 our year 5/6 students attended a Wheatbelt CoRE Resource Challenge at Merredin College, with other surrounding schools. This Challenge provided our students with the opportunity to learn about WA's rich resources industry through practical activities. The students were involved in engineering an open pit and highway to transport the ore to the mill, while considering safety and sustainability through construction and rehabilitation. It was a very well-run event, and the children enjoyed the learning and practical challenge. We are grateful that we had the opportunity to participate.
"It was so much fun. We got to make mazes with tarps, wood and zip ties and smash blocks that looked like gold and contained marbles inside. The goal was to collect 60 marbles. MDHS came third out of nine schools!" Lewis Ballantyne - Year 5
Student Leaders Shire Visit
On Tuesday while our Primary Student Leaders were out on their excursion, the Secondary Student Leaders visited our local Mukinbudin Shire Council to attend the monthly meeting and see leadership in action in another area of the Community. During the meeting students were able to witness Shire Councillors being sworn in and a vote take place for one of the positions. It all made for an interesting meeting to attend. Perhaps one day some of our MDHS leaders might become Shire Councillors themselves!
A big thank you to the Mukinbudin Shire for having us attend, we are always grateful for them accommodating us.
Crunch N Sip Event in Primary
We are very grateful to Crunch N Sip for being a recipient of the 'Greatest Veggie Crunch' grant. We were able to purchase a large variety of fresh vegetables and enjoy making the loudest CRUNCH. The K/PP and Year 5/6 class combined to enjoy the afternoon and the Year 1/2 and 3/4 class joined forces to see who could CRUNCH the loudest! Thank you to Mrs Lamond and Mrs Melville for preparing some delicious options for the Primary students. Apparently, cold roasted zucchini is not on many kids' wish lists!!
Year 9-12 Career Taster
Our Year 9-12 students participated in a career taster workshop delivered by Dom from Masters Plumbing Association (MPA). This was a half-day hands-on activity where students participated in a ‘taster activity’ of building a Galvin’s Man hot/cold shower plumbing and crimping copper in a plumbing structure. Dom shared his extensive knowledge of school-based apprenticeships with the students and explained in detail how to get into a trade through post-school pathways. We invited Southern Cross District High School secondary students to attend the session and we thank you the Deputy Principal, Nicole Teague, and the Year 9/10 students for coming along! This program was facilitated by the Year 9 Career Taster program and Central Regional TAFE. This program inspires secondary students to become ‘career curious’ about potential careers and study options.
Basketball Clinic
On Friday 13th October, we were very lucky to have Georgi Eddy, the Basketball WA Regional Development Officer, visit our school and run basketball skills sessions with all of our students in PP- Year 10. The students learnt some valuable skills and got to play short games which proved to be very competitive. Georgi has played state basketball in the UK and was very impressed with the skill level of the students at MDHS. Some credit must go to our Mukinbudin Junior basketball Dribblers and Junior Competition which has been run so well for many years now.
WA Police 'Think U Know' Presentations
Thank you to the Northam Police for their online safety presentations to our students today. The 'Think U Know' online safety presentations are produced by the Australian Federal Police online child exploitation team and focus on safe online behaviour. The high school presentation introduced the topic of sextortion and sharing of intimate images, and the primary school presentation looked at being safer online and encouraging help-seeking behaviour.