Messages from the Front Office

Triple P Parenting Presentation
Lost Property
The lost property pile is growing again! If your child has lost items of uniform, water bottles or lunch boxes, please take a look in the green bucket located near the Canteen door in the undercover area. Please ensure that your child's uniform is clearly labelled so that items can be promptly returned to their owners.
No Hat No Play
Parents, please ensure your child has a hat packed in their bag every day. The school DOES NOT have any spare hats available anymore as students have borrowed them and not returned them. Children without hats must play undercover, so to avoid disappointment please ensure they have a hat with them every day.
The uniform shop sells reversible school/faction coloured bucket hats. The uniform shop is open every Monday 8.30am - 9am.
Crunch & Sip
Many of our classes participate in the crunch and sip program designed to increase the amount of fruit, vegetable and water being consumed by Primary school aged children. Please ensure that you are packing a piece of fruit or vegetable and a water bottle every day so that students are able to participate.