The Adventures of Frankie & Ash

School Support Dogs 

The Builder is back in our house which is Very Good for Ash and me because the Builder and his friends give us lots of pats and a big hello every morning.

The Bathroom has a big hole in the floor and it is really good for sniffing in.   There is nothing better than a good Sniff.   Maggie goes down the hole even though we tell her not to.  One day Maggie found a spider in the hole and brought it back up for Mum but Mum made some funny screaming noises and ran away.  

Last weekend we got a Very Big Bone each because we had been Very Good Girls.   Mum was a bit cross when she woke up in the morning and Ash had put hers on the bed.  I was cleverer than Ash and I dug a hole and put mine in it.   Mum was not happy that the hole was under the washing line though.

Next week at Doggy Day Care is Halloween Dress Up Day.   Mum made my try my costume on but I am Not Happy.  I will wear it though, because I will get Treats if I do.  

That is all,

Frankie & Ash 


I love my sister Maggie
The Big Hole
My Halloween Costume
I love my sister Maggie
The Big Hole
My Halloween Costume