Important Notices

Working Bee - thank you!

A massive thank you to the group of parents who came along to the school on Saturday morning for our final working bee of the year.


In an ideal world it would not be necessary to ask families to come along and help out with the upkeep of the grounds and small jobs around the school as we would receive the funding required to provide the facilities that our students and community deserve.


Until this happens, our working bees allow us to stay on top of things and ensure we have a school that we can all take pride in.


At the working bee this weekend, we managed to;


  • build our new beehive
  • sand and paint the benches in the quiet area
  • clear out, prune and weed the space for our new beehive to be located
  • clear storm drains near the sandpit to avoid the risk of flooding from summer downpours
  • tidy and clear the sandpit area
  • pressure wash buildings and the yard
  • remove weeds from all around the school
  • clear the car parking area at the front of the school
  • paint a small boat that will soon become a play feature in the yard
  • put up lights and artwork ready for Celebration of the Arts
  • re-lay some loose pavers around the playground in the park
  • fix leaking irrigation pipes in the kitchen garden

All of these jobs, large and small combine to keep our school working and looking great.


We thank the families that gave up a part of their weekend to make them happen.

Curriculum & TPPD Day Reminder

A reminder that this coming Monday (Cup Eve) is a Curriculum Day and so students are not required at school.


We will be having our final student-free day of the year on Friday 24th November - which is a Teacher Professional Practice Day.


Team Kids will be running a full day program on both days for any families requiring childcare. 

School Car Park - reminders

Once again this week, we have seen a couple of incidents in the car park straight after school due to school families not parking safely or considerately.


Due to congestion, our strong recommendation is that families take advantage of the free parking on Lakeside, Hockey and Village Green Drives at busy times. However, if you are using the small Parks Victoria car park at drop-off and pick-up times;


If you are using the car park at these times;


  • Please only ever park in the marked parking bays. Do not park on the footpath on the Bowls Club side as this blocks the footpath - forcing children onto the road and also blocks traffic flow and prevents other cars from passing safely. If you cannot find a marked, safe parking space please show patience, stay with your car and wait for a space to become free. Your child's teacher will stay with them until 3:45pm and then take them to the office so there is no need to act in an unsafe way & abandon your car on the footpath in order to make it into school for 3:30pm. Never park illegally and then leave your car unattended.


  • Move slowly at these times and be aware of who is around you. There are a large number of children who walk home in this direction and it is always a possibility that they will forget their road-sense and run between vehicles. Please help us to avoid a potentially highly distressing accident.


  • Remember that there is plenty of free parking on Hockey Drive, Village Green Drive and Lakeside Drive at these key times when you display a SKiPPS sticker on your windscreen. Often parking this little bit further away and avoiding the congestion of the car park actually saves time (and a huge amount of stress). Please drop into the school office to get your free sticker and further details of this arrangement with Parks Victoria.


  • Never drive onto the school grounds (even if dropping off or picking up from Team Kids). Before and after school (and during the school day) our school grounds are used for basketball training, as a play space by Team Kids and for many other activities that will see children running around. To add to this, at dawn and dusk light and visibility are poor. We have seen a number of parents driving into the school grounds to drop-off and pick-up at these times, often at high speed as they assume the school is empty.  Please do not drive onto school grounds and use the car park instead.

Missing watch face

At school last Thursday of this week, Leo KS (1/2B) lost the watch face part of his favourite Smart watch near the smaller basketball hoops.


It looks just llike the image below but says 'Leo', instead of 'Alex'.


Someone may spot it on the basketball court or in the park at the back of the school. If you do happen to find it, please bring it to the school office so we can reunite it with Leo.

Parents Battle Of the Bands - Northside versus Southside


The moment has arrived... 

You have an opportunity to come and support the Southside at the upcoming Northside VS Southside Parents Battle Of the Bands!

Port Melbourne PS, Ripponlea PS and Elwood PS (Southside) will be competing, as well as Fairfield PS and Westgarth PS (Northside). 


Please support the PBOB Charity with a general admission ticket, or select the school you wish to support! 

Your school is still benefiting from each and every event we put on.


We would love to see you at The Corner Hotel, on the 16th of Novembre, from 7pm. 

Tickets here: here