Dear Parents


Last Friday, our school welcomed performers from Musica Viva to our school. Children from K-6 were entertained by this musical duo. They danced, drummed, chanted and clapped to the music performed by these talented performers. Several of our children were able to get on stage and perform as well! Thank you, Ms Puebla, for coordinating this visit. A big thank you to the P&C, who secured funding through CSU to subsidise the cost of this activity. 


Congratulations to Chloe Eriksson, who was highly commended in the Bathurst School's Poetry Competition with her poem "The Drill". We are super proud of Chloe and her incredible poem.



Our School Disco will be held this Friday, 10th November, in the McMullen Hall. The K-2 Disco will commence at 5.00 and conclude at 6.30 pm. The 3-6 Disco will commence at 6.30 pm and conclude at 8.00 pm. Entry to the Disco is $2 per student, with only enrolled students at Bathurst Public School able to attend. A canteen selling lollies and a sausage sizzle will be available. Water stations will also be set up for children to access during the sessions.  We ask parents to limit spending money at the canteen to $5.00 per child, please. All funds raised will be donated to the Schools Spectacular excursion.

We look forward to having a wonderful evening with the children.


Our School Leadership Team nomination process continues, and our prospective leaders for 2024 will make their speeches to the school on Tuesday, 14th November, commencing at 9.30 am. The children who have been elected by their Year 5 peers are;


Girls - Romena Baniya, Sarah O'Brien, Hannah Skein, Nikki Allan, Tearani Cowell, Tilley Cole, Adelaide Fulthorpe and Scarlett Ryder.


Boys - Max Naylor, Brody Miller, Lachlan Abbott, Beau Francis, Cooper Jones, Thor Sutton, Theo Lyle, Isaac Gafa.



Mrs Mitchell is finalising groups and times for our School Swimming Program. Swimming commences on Monday, 27th November. Parents will receive information and times for lessons before this date. If you need any additional information or assistance, please contact the school office.


The staff have commenced conversations about class structures for 2024 and will commence working on staffing and designing classes throughout the remainder of the school term. Many hours of work go into creating structures, staffing and designing every class. The school recognises the importance of fostering and maintaining friendship groups. We also understand that it is equally important for students to mix and learn with peers with different interests. Some details to assist parents with the process we are going through and how they can be involved in preparation for 2024 are outlined below;

  • Children are asked by their teacher in the next few weeks to nominate 3 children they would like to be in a class with; a minimum of 1 of the nominations is to be a child who is currently in another class. The school endeavours to ensure each child receives at least 1 of their nominated friends.
  • Parents are invited to make requests based on the academic and emotional needs of their child. Requests for class placements must be in writing, outlining who you are requesting your child to be placed with and why. Requests must be addressed to the Principal, Mrs White. All requests need to be received by Friday, 10th November 2023. As you can understand, we are not always able to accommodate class placement requests but will endeavour to take wishes into consideration where possible.
  • All teachers at Bathurst Public School are caring and committed educators. Bathurst Public strives to ensure that all children are provided with a high-quality education so they can 'Believe, Belong and Succeed'. Whilst we appreciate that you may wish that your child would benefit from being placed in a class with a particular teacher, we are unable to accommodate teacher requests. Our school's Leadership Team (Principal, Deputy Principal, Assistant Principals and Learning and Support Team) have an in-depth understanding of each teacher's strengths and will always endeavour to place our students with teachers who are best placed to suit their needs.


Unexplained Absences

Congratulations to 1/2M, K-2N and 3-6J for no unexplained absences in the past week.


Current Attendance

Currently, we have 282 students attending above 90% of the time, which is below last week.      


If any parent has concerns regarding any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kate White 
