First Steps Centre


  • Tuesday 7th November: Melbourne Cup Public Holiday  - No Kinder
  • Wednesday 8th November:  2024 Gawarn and Marram Orientation session. 2:30-3pm
  • Sunday 26th November: Kinder Family Christmas Party at Heatherdale Bowls Club
  • Wednesday 6th December: Whole school Christmas Concert 5pm – 7pm.
  • Wednesday 13th December: Dharug last day and Christmas concert. (more details to come)
  • Thursday 14th December: Marram and Gawarn last day and Christmas concert. (more details to come)
  • Friday 15th December: Budja and Wimbi last day and Christmas concert. (more details to come)

Kinder Family Christmas Party


The Three Year Olds had their Little Chompers Incursion and learnt all about how to look after our teeth. We have been supporting the children's social skills by reading The girl that never said “please” by Coral Walker.


The Four Year Old's have been making the most of the great outdoors. We have seen a lot of collaboration and teamwork as they create shared play spaces using the large blocks, the sand pit and even creating their own obstacle courses! The teamwork has continued inside as the children have been working together to build amazing structures for the cars as well as making collaborative art pieces. 


Have an amazing weekend!

The Kinder Team