Connections Centre

Specialist Feature News:  Science

Selamat Siang,


This term, the science focus is Biology. The Foundation students have been learning about plants and what they need to survive. They have made their own Grass Heads using a stocking, grass seeds and sand. This experiment has the students engaging in observations about the growth of a plant over time and what its needs are. 

The 1/2 students have been busy investigating the basic survival needs of all living things and have welcomed their class pet - Sea Monkeys! Did you know that Sea Monkeys are actually a form of tiny shrimp? 

The 3/4 students are taking a deeper dive into the classifications of animals this term. So far, they have investigated mammals and birds and learned the difference between these types of animals. 

Finally, the 5/6 students have been exploring some of the different adaptations that animals have in order to survive, including structural adaptations such as bird beaks, and behavioural adaptations such as the ‘penguin huddle’. They also investigated camouflage and mimicry with a delicious skittles and M&Ms experiment! 

Marissa Mundy, Yana Gill, Treesje Butterworth, Emma McCoy, Stephanie Muratovic and Lyn Watson. 

Pupil of the Week:

Performing Arts

Junior:   Jerome T (1/2 KD)

For always showing diligence in class with the work and for displaying maturity.


Senior:  Sam S (3/4T) 

For showing maturity and a positive attitude while working on his group's composition.

Physical Education

Junior: Bella D (1/2J)

For being brave and taking on the sport rotations with a positive attitude to learning new skills.


Senior: Samreet G (3/4W)

For always doing her best every week and approaching all tasks with a willingness to learn new skills.

Visual Arts

Junior: Wild M (FH)

For showing creativity and working hard to add extra details to your Pumpkin art.


Senior:  Andrea J (5/6L)

For demonstrating creativity and perseverance to complete your Pete Cromer bird!


Junior:  Aveer M, 1/2SM

For starting and finishing your Transport Mini Book in one lesson! Amazing focus and speed writing, Aveer!


Senior:  Milla K, 5/6B

For demonstrating outstanding writing skills when describing different celebrations across Indonesia. Hebat, Milla!


Junior: Matilda G (1/2J)

For enthusiastically examining our ‘Sea Monkeys’ and drawing a detailed diagram displaying their features. Well done! 


Senior: Tina W (3/4W)

For taking detailed notes when learning information about the characteristics of birds. Well done!