Discovery Centre


Selamat Siang,

Another fantastic week in Foundation! We started the week off with a walking excursion. We practised walking across the road safely, posted letters to our families and played on the playground at Rooks Road Reserve.

Listen to the amazing recounts done by some students in FK!



On Monday, we went on a walking excursion.

First, we posted a letter. 

Then, we walked to the park.

Next, we found pinecones.

Finally, we walked back to school.



On Monday, we went on a walking excursion.

First, we posted letters in the post box.

Then, we played on the playground.

Finally, we came back to school



On Monday, Foundation went for a walk. 

First, I had a play.

Then I found a pinecone.

Next we walked back to school.


Student Voice


Thanks to Liam D from FH for picking our book this week for FB to read in Reading Sessions. We loved answering questions about Theodore the Unsure and predicting what we thought he might do with all his hair!



  • Monday 6th November- Curriculum Day
  • Monday 14th November- Foundation Assembly 

Pupil of the Week

FB: Elvin K

For using creativity when writing a narrative about the police car chasing the fast car. Thank you for writing an engaging story using WOW words. Well done Elvin!


FH: Hailey K

For showing zest when reading aloud and during your Reader's Theatre performance. You have been working hard to read with expression for different characters!


FK: Zain F

For showing a love of learning when writing your recount about our walking excursion. It was great to see you using Ollie Openers and following the recount structure. Well done!