Inquiry Centre


Selamat Siang,


This Semester in Wellbeing, we have been exploring ways for students to take action on their emotions. Students have demonstrated that they can all confidently name the emotions they are feeling and have specific tools to help get back into the Green zone, ready for learning. You might like to ask your child about their Wellbeing sandwich and what tools they have to help them when they are in the red, blue and yellow zones. 

Additionally, we have been using a program called Life Skills Go, where students to pinpoint the exact feeling they are experiencing, the reasons they might be feeling that way and what they can immediately do to help regulate their emotions. We encourage families to continue these discussions about naming emotions and what strategies help to make us feel calm, happy or ready to learn. 


Student Voice

What are some tools that you can use to get your ready for learning?

  • "I listen to relaxing music, gardening or go to a quiet space" - Vaanya S
  • "I like to eat a snack, quiet drawing or work in a different space" - Oscar M
  •  "I feel like going for a run or doing fun learning makes me feel better" Isaac M


  • Students all need to be wearing hats throughout Term 4. Please ensure your child has a named hat with them at school.
  • Please check Sentral for details and permission for the Year 1 Late Stay and Year 2 Sleepovers.
  • Please pack extra snacks/lunch in your child's lunchbox to ensure they have enough food for the whole day.

Pupil of the Week

1/2H: Isabella D - For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when writing a detailed information piece about your monster Floff. Fantastic work Iz!


1/2J: Anoshka M - For demonstrating creativity and curiosity when creating a monster for your information report. You did a great job coming up with a habitat, diet and interesting facts for your monster.


1/2KD: Melody F

For demonstrating perseverance and creativity when solving your Teddy Town challenge in Maths. 


1/2M: Ben C - For demonstrating a love of learning and teamwork when collaborating with your group in your Guided Inquiry Brainstorm. 


1/2SM: Caleb G - For displaying a love of learning and perseverance when reading. You have worked very hard practising your codes and reading new words. Well done Caleb!